Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Cornelis Ready to Go Again in Pilgub Kalbar 2012

Cornelis Siap Maju Lagi dalam Pilgub Kalbar 2012

Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Cornelis voters expressed readiness to advance on the provincial governor and deputy governor of the period 2012-2017.

"I ask the support of the board PDIP and sympathizers to be developed on pilgub (gubernatorial elections), 2012," Cornelis said in a speech at the opening meeting of a special branch of election candidates and vice-regent regent Hedgehogs Regency period 2011-2016 in Pontianak, on Saturday (5 / 2).

He stated, among other forms of readiness itself is always enabled cell phone for 24 hours specifically to take care of the party. "I have a special number for the party, so the football exploits in the local party officials could I know all," said the Governor of West Kalimantan was the period 2007-2012.

According to Cornelis, his side are currently evaluating the best cadres of the party as the board or sitting in a chair the legislature and government. "The evaluation that we did if the concerned parties to deviate from the rules or not, if you deviate then have its own value," he said.

On that occasion, he declared the Regional Head Election (Election slope of Kada) Hedgehogs PDIP 2011-2016 as the spearhead for the election of Governor of West Kalimantan, and should seek the best people from the party to be carried Regent and Vice Regent of hedgehog. (Ant/OL-01)

Hoping Ciputra SOE Tower Built in January 2012

Ciputra property entrepreneur hopes, plans to build the Tower of SOEs can begin to do as of January 1, 2012. According Ciputra, the faster the development done, the better for the efficiency of SOEs.

"his state-owned companies hold 26 percent of national business. If they have a very complex itself necessarily ideal, "said Ciputra, Friday, (4 / 2).

As was reported earlier, the Ministry of SOE plans to build a special tower that would be a kind of headquarters for state-owned companies. PT Ciputra Development Tbk (CTRP) itself has an investment proposal to the Ministry of SOEs.

CTRP director Tulus Santoso said some time ago, CTRP will build five towers berkonseo mix-Used with a total investment of Rp 5 trillion.

However, when the confirmation of the plan, declined to comment Ciputra long. "Details are still confidential because of the competition. In essence, we will try building more efficient and eektif. Anyway was great, "said Tulus.

As information, reportedly in addition to CTRA, developers are also interested in bidding the construction of the Tower of SOEs is Artha Graha and PT Taspen Persero.